Engineering Pickup Lines:
Ah, the pickup line. Break the ice with the hottie that catches your eye, start talking, and then it's clear sailing on the sea of romance. Being in Engineering means that our pickup lines are different though. Here's a couple of my favourites. Oh. Uh, I should mention to use these at your own risk, and that they may or may not result in getting maced, hit in the genitals, slapped, punched, splashed with a drink, laughed at, insulted, or any combination of the above.
Baby, is that an optically reflective back-side metallized SiO2 lens on your pants, because I can see myself in 'em!
Don't worry about friction, I took a course on lubricated shafts.
Want to see my multitool?
Since distance equals velocity times time, let's let veloctiy and time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.
The derivative of my love for you is positive infinity, because it is always increasing
Want to go back to my place... and play video games?
You're hotter than a thermite reaction!
IF ($you = "interested") Then $S*X=TRUE; (That's a programming code from C)
They say you can tell a lot about someone by the courses they take, and Engineering course are always hard (get it?)
I'm definately feeling an electromagnetic attraction, want to flux?
Would you like to integrated our parts?
Want me to teach you about rhythmic harmonic motions?
I'm like a Taylor Series, I keep on going forever!