Monday, May 23, 2005


Exams have knocked on the door.. and well it has broken it down also..

The next two months.. are gonna be pretty hard for most of us..
and well especially for me..
These are our final A Level Exams..

Please pray for me.. I need your prayers..!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


wats this....i sign in on the bloody blog and everyone decides to shut up.....I DONT LIKE THIS

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Star Wars!

Star Wars!
Originally uploaded by Squuezemylemon.

Since this is gonna be the Star Wars weekend.. I thought why not post the star wars poster..

The Saga is finally coming to an end this weekend..

Can't wait for this movie.. have been waiting for it my entire life..


Helooooooo took a year, but i finally figured out how to work this damn thing...(with a little help from fozzy) the looks of things ive missed out on alot of fun...NO LONGER.....muaahhhaahahahahaha(evil laugh)....

Fozzy dude....wats up with all the abeera pictures man....not tht im complaining but damn....

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Oh dear Lord...what hit me?

Oh man...

Oh man...

Oh woman...

I have no words to express how happy you guys made me today.
So, I won't spoil it by writing long-winded speeches.

Instead, I just want to say 'Thank You!' to ALL of you, for making this such a special day, and for giving me a truck load of memories.

I'm really lucky to have friends like you. Thank you for being there for me.

I just don't know what to say!


Till next time,
Take care and have fun!

Monday, May 09, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 'Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight'!!!

Yes my dear friends and foes and what-nots, our beloved blog turns 1 today!

On May 10th, 2004, our beloved blog was born!

On this special occasion, let me just congratulate each and everyone of you for making it this far! We've had our lulls, we've had our highs, we've had our brilliant ideas, we've had our idiotic ideas, some have worked, some haven't, then we had the whole 'Hello' not working in this country for some reason, but we've stuck at it and we've made it to see our first year!

Congratulations everybody! Congratulations all you
'Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight-ers'! Thank you for sticking with it, and here's to many more years of 'Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight'! Anything in particular you want to say regarding this auspicious occasion? Want to reminisce about some point in the past year on our beloved blog? You know you can! So just do it! As always, everybody loves to hear everybody else's bull!

Anyway, here's another Happy Birthday to
'Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight' again, and congratulations to us ALL!

Till next time,
Take care and have fun!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ah... Graduation..

Very very emotional day..
It was fun.. but very very emotional..
From Ibad's daring speech.. to Ritson's corny pie joke.. very memorable..

That Cambridge guy was damn funny.. a bit flirty too..
Ritson's joke was lame.. I couldn't bear it.. Me and Mohannad had our lips shut tightly.. but we couldn't resist.. and we ended up having a good laugh..

I really felt sad while taking pictures with teachers and friends.. cause this might be the last time that I'll ever take a picture with them..

Mrs. Poonam.. telling my dad "this is the student I'm gonna miss the most" hit me badly..

Mrs.Gomathy was very sad.. although she didn't show it.. I could make out that she was very emotional..

Alvado's presence was very surprising.. atleast he rememberd me.. and so was Imran's and Avi's presence.. (although I knew from start Avi was gonna give everyone a surprise by arriving early in Dubai)

Damn.. now starts the countdown to the exams.. and also.. countdown to the end of school..
Sheesh.. I'm so gonna miss this school..

Guys lets make our last few precious days at school memorable..

Monday, May 02, 2005

After the ceremony..

After the ceremony..
Originally uploaded by Squuezemylemon.

The last picture of the "Incomplete Gold Dukes" with Mrs Richards..

Candly Light Union

Candly Light Union
Originally uploaded by Squuezemylemon.

Candle Bonding..
Damn can't come up with good comments.. why dont u guys try to come up with some for a change..

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sarcastic Smile.. which she gives me all the time..

Abeera 2
Originally uploaded by Squuezemylemon.

Abeera's smile..

Abeera 4
Originally uploaded by Squuezemylemon.