Thursday, November 25, 2004

My first Canadian snow!

Yesterday was the first time that I experieced Canadian snow! It was so cool!

The whole morning it was raining, and I'm chatting with Ambreen, and I look outside my window, and all of a sudden I see all this snow flying around! IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!

Never seen anything like that before, so I guess I got a little excited...

Snowed for a good hour or so, and then continued to rain again...

Just a little something I wanted to tell all of you!

Till next time,
Take care and have fun!


Monday, November 22, 2004

Good Morning..?

Hey all... hmm its been quite silent on the blog lately hasnt it? Oh well, hopefully it should get back to normal now...Imran and his weekend stories, Avi and Faisals smartass comments, Ahmeds punctuation-less paragraphs, Abeeras late posts, Shahlan' well he doesnt contribute much anyway...

Okay so, schools started again after a very long break... its actually just the same old thing really.. thank god theres not going to be longer timings/ school on thursdays to make up for the syllabuses, like it was rumoured... they're jus going to have extra classes in the December holidays, but then they always have that, so i guess we can live with it.

Oh, by the way, Dubai Gem now has a personalised 'gate pass' card... so that you dont always have to get anote from home saying you want to leave early or whatever...its actually optional, not everyone has it....the ppl who wanted it had to fill out this certain form on which you had to list the days your classes start late/finish early... i just got mine today, its pretty kewl, theres my picture on it and all... and its laminated, can you believe it?!! you'd expect jus a lil scrappy piece of paper or sumthin... so now i can officially come home after 12.30 on two days, and go to school at 10 on wednesday!thats like a half day practically!... yay...

Anyway, on a more serious note... i thought alot about whether i should put this up, but i think i should... well the reason I haven't posted for some time, apart from the whole Eid/Back to school business is... well my Grandmum passed last thursday... so the last few days have been pretty tough... we were all very close and it came as a huge shock because shes always been in good health but i guess... when its your time, you cant do anything about it yeah... the worst is though that i didnt get to go for her funeral, and the last time i saw her was... about 2 years ago... so i'm always going to have this lingering memory of when i saw her last, and when she came to visit and all... anyway well the point of mentioning this was just to ask all of you to please, remember her in your prayers, and pray for strength for all of us, because its really been quite hard...thanks...

Alright well, i shall get going now... take care y'all, xox
Till next Monday,

Sunday, November 21, 2004

And now for something completely different...!!!

Hello children, Uncle Imran is here! So dry those tears and be happy, as I bring another ray of sunshine in your drab and miserable lives and give you a reason to live!

So, after a weeks hiatus, I decided to post for all your pleasure! This weekend was kinda fun, as Avinash came over to spend the weekend with me! We both met up at Finch station and took the bus to the Albion Cinemas, to watch...VEER ZAARA!!!

We guys had lunch at the shopping centre there, and then went for the movie. You wouldn't believe the rush! I felt I had come home! *sniff*

Anyway, there was this guy at the gate who was cutting our tickets, and he kept telling everybody that he wouldn't let them in unless the smiled! Even all the grandmothers and kids and everybody! Nobody was safe from his *smile*!

It was about this time that Avi and I realised that we two were probably the only people there without our families. For everybody else, it was a family outing... You can say we felt a BIT out of place.

But, as soon as we heard a mother shouting at her little daughter, "RITU, IDHAR AAO!!! MEIN KEH RAHI HOON IDHAR AAO!!!" I felt right at home!

For Ahmed, who is Hindi/Urdu deficient, the lady was shouting, "RITU, COME HERE!!! I'M TELLING YOU TO COME HERE!!!"

Anyway, we got into the cinema, the CORNER-MOST seats for we both...

And then, the shittiest ads in the world started. I will not go into explaining these ads, as, believe me, you have to see them to believe them. We both couldn't stop laughing!!!

So, first, they show the trailer for Swades, and it looked pretty promising I must say. Of course, they started the ad with "From The Write and Director of the Academy Award Nominated 'Lagaan' "... I was bursting with pride!!!

Anyway, after that, the movie started. Nice movie, typical Bollywood, but Preity Zinta is just...ALLAH HUAKBAR!!! HOW DOES GOD DO IT???

And thank GOD for the English subtitles, coz a lot of the movie was in Punjabi, and I couldn't understand squat.

Well then, movie got over, people clapped, we made our way outside, to be greeted by FOG!!! THICK HEAVY FOG!!! So we both caught the bus, and walked up to York U... had dinner and desperately tried watching 'Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.' online, but there was something wrong...

Anyway, we sat up talking till about 3:30am, then fell asleep, woke up the next day at around 11:30am, both our mom's called, then we had breakfast.

Then after a couple of hours, Avi left for his home!

And now I'm here, writing to you all. Got a load of laundry to do, and a House Meeting today at 10pm. And tomorrow the week starts...again...

And now for something completely different:

News of the day:

BERLIN (Reuters) - Thieves have stolen scantily clad garden gnomes from a gnome peepshow in an eastern German amusement park, park manager Frank Ullrich said on Thursday.
"The gnomes display naked body parts -- the same ones you'd expect to see in a human peep show," Ullrich said of his missing stars.
The adults-only attraction at Dwarf-Park Trusetal, where visitors peep through keyholes to see the saucy German miniatures in compromising poses, was smashed open early on Thursday morning.
Ullrich said he feared the gnomes would not be traced.
"I doubt they're standing in someone's garden, they'll have to have been hidden inside."

Picture of the day:

This is a picture Avi took of me about 5 minutes before I woke up... Idiot...

Me asleep on Sunday morning... Posted by Hello

And that my dear friends, brings to close another glorious chapter to my blogging history. I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I enjoy staring at Preity Zinta. Actually, nothing's that good...

Till next time,
Take care and have fun!


Friday, November 19, 2004

Back to school!

I remember you guys said that you will be going back to school on the 20th of November...Well, it's HERE!!!



It's back to the grindstone for you lot!

Enjoy your first day of school...And tell me what happened!

Till next time,
Take care and have fun!


Friday, November 12, 2004

Happy Diwali & Eid Mubarak!!!

Let me be the first to wish you all a Happy Diwali, and Eid Mubarak!!!

Hope you all enjoy yourselves!!!

The blog's been so quiet for so many days, I'm expecting full detailed reports from all of you telling us how you celebrated!

So, till next time,
Take care and have fun!

Once again, Happy Diwali and Eid Mubarak!

Monday, November 08, 2004


Hello people! How is everyone doing? All good?? Hmm... i'm really tired right now, just got home after a looong day... Been quite busy the past week... now that Ramadans ending, theres like a whole lot of Eid shopping to do... the other day i spent practically all morning in Lamcy with my mom...(its a girl thing, you guys wouldn't unerstand).. actually it wasnt all for me... i jus got some material to get stitched.. but you know... eid gifts, etc... the sales were quite good...the good thing is that since it was at Lamcy, we got to double our Air Miles!!! Riiight, not like anyone wanted to know...

So has anyone been studying during these holidays?? I dont feel like studying at all.. though i really should.. this is jus a reallly bad time for extra holidays... we'll get back to school and the teachers will be ready and waiting with a whole load of work... and on top of that our chem test got postponed along with everything else... so like a week ago i was prepared for it but now... i dont even know where my chem book is...

Oh well... hmm the other day i saw that movie, Van Helsing... i kow its kinda old but we were jus over at a family friends place geting bored and it was the only dvd they had... man it is such rubbish... the only thing good in it is Hugh Jackman.. and he too has long hair in it so he doesnt look that great... ugh, bad movie, dont watch it.. i'm not one for all this vampire-dracula fictional stuff so i realllyy dint like it.. it was laughable in some places, really, the way they're tryin to scare you but its actually jus hilarious..." i em Drecula frum Trrransylvaniaaa and i vant to dreenk your bludd!!!mua-ahahaha!" (with the fake accent...)...stupid...

Oh and i finally saw Season 10 of Friends.... for those of you who are fans of it and havnt seen it yet.. its pretty good...theres a couple of surprises in there... and i have to say, it ended quite predictably..but then it hink its the only way they could've ended it and kept everyone happy...

Anyway, this has gotten quite long... sooo i'm gona go get some sleep now... take care, till next monday...xox...

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Read the one below this first, it's supposed to be that way...And Now For Something Completely Different (2)...

Picture of the day:
This is just self explanatory. For further news on this frontpage, as it has created quite an uproar both sides of the Atlantic, please visit (that sounded so official! And no, I'm not trying to sell the damn paper...)

A good question I must say... Posted by Hello

And if any one of you have any sort of answer to this mind-boggling question, I'll be happy to hear about it.

And so my dear friends, with this I bring to a close another chapter in my blogging history. I hope you will join me again next week, when I talk about how refrigerators manage to keep stuff cold! Believe me, if you suffer from insomnia, make sure you read what I say, because it will put you to sleep!

Till next time,
Take care and have fun!


And Now For Something Completely Different (1)...

Well, once again, it's Sunday... atleast in my part of the world. To tell you the truth, I did not feel like posting today...I don't know... I mean usually I like to post and tell everybody what's going on and bore them with my petty happenings, and make them feel like slitting their wrists by my corny jokes. I also like to crib at others who don't post regularly, and act all high and mighty.

Somehow, I didn't feel like doing all that today...and I have no idea why. But, out of fear of falling into the category of those who I like to scream at, I decided to post...finally.

So, well, life here is moving along I suppose. It's already November, and I've got a lotta stuff lined up for the next couple of weeks. End of term tests, movies to see (seriously, these people like to release good movies as soon as I decide to have tests!), preparing myself for the onslaught of my first Canadian the way, tonight it's supposed to touch 0 degrees, but apparently, it'll feel like -5! Kickass! All this fluctuation in the hit 14 degrees today, and was rather warm...

I've realised I love to rant...and this blog gives me a chance to do it without anybody cutting me off! I love this place! Ah yes, the Blog, my fortress of solitude...okay that didn't make much sense.

Anyway, what else is happening here, you ask? "A lot's kicking foxy", in the words of Basil, from Austin Powers in Goldmember. Only problem is, I'm not sure what exactly it is that is kicking... But as soon as I find out, I'll make sure to tell you ALL!

And so my friends, it is time once again for:

And Now For Something Completely Different...:

News of the day:
On Thursday, October 28th, at approximately 1:45am, three suspects approached two males in the York Lanes parking garage, producing a knife and demanding cash.While the victimes complied with the order, one suspect also grabbed a victim's neck chain. All three suspects fled the scene in a vehicle northbound towards Steeles Avenue. (From: Excalibur, York University's Newspaper.)

York Lanes is this mini-mall we have, and Steeles Avenue is just North of York University. So, a bit of stuff happening here that kinda freaks me out...a bit.

Film Review: GoodFellas

We were...GoodFellas. Posted by Hello

Starring: Read the damn poster for God's sake.

Directed by: Martin Scorsese

Genre: Crime/Drama/Non-Fiction

Review: "As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a gangster." -- Henry Hill, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1955.

Now when a movie starts off with this dialouge, you know where it's going. Gangsters, ruthless killings, innumerable robberies, and yes, Italian cuisine.

What's surprised me was that all this was actually true. Which further re-instates the fact that nothing is more surprising than real life.

We follow the life of Henry Hill, from his teenage years, running errands for the mob, to his eventual rise up the hierarchy. It's a narrative, Henry's telling us the story of his life.

Everybody did an amazing job. The story was brilliant. Kept me hooked right through. The best part is how this isn't and ancient story. In fact, there is a mention of 2004 towards the end of the movie.

The only Scorsese film I've seen, but I really really liked it. Beware though, if you do NOT like violence, strong language, drug abuse, and everything that comes along with a Mafia movie, well, then don't watch it.

(Continues onto the next post)

Saturday, November 06, 2004

It's been a bad start...

That's right guys, it's been a terrible start to the month...
A month that should have been full of celebrations with diwali on the 12th and eid on the 14th respectively, has started of with the tragic death of Sheikh Zayed and the re-election of George Bush.

I will not dwell on the above matters anymore cause enough has already been said...

Anyways, other than that, whats been going on with me?

Well, my classes seem to going along pretty well except Mathematics which i had thought couldn't get any harder after as-level but clearly i was wrong...

Anyways, winter seems to have come earlier here with a bit of snow forecasted for next week...
Also, its great to hear that dubai gem hasn't changed much with tests getting postponed and all...
And a security guard??? What the hell?, i mean our school has like a millon entrances and exits and they hire ONE security gaurd? wow... thats a good way to spend money...

Ok, other than that there's nuthin more to say, so i shall take my leave now...
Take care.

Friday, November 05, 2004


Hey All...

Hope you're doing well..Blog seems to be pretty slow this week..

Will be quick..

Shaikh Zayed's death was no surprise, but the new elected President sure was..True, the streets were all empty for the first two days..but there were quite a lot of shops/restaurants that faced a Dhs.5000 fine on being open.
The third day is going on here,but if you come towards the corniche on Al Seef Street,the atmosphere looks like there is no tomorrow! Families from all over Dubai were picnicing as though U.A.E just declared Eid earlier..

Anyway,America's going through a "sad state of affairs" ( as Ebaad would put it) but no one said it better than Daily Mirror : How can 59,054,087 people be so Dumb?

Until Then,
Take care.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

No future..

I knew that Bush would win by a small margin.. because he has his dad's influence.. and he knows lots of big guns..
but beleive me I had a weebit of hope that something miraculos might happen and Kerry would be elected.. but alas.. my earlier prediction was right..

Seriously speaking.. after all that happend in 4 years of bush.. all the economic downfall... the wars , the bloodshed.. the outcry.. the documentaries.. the books.. I still can't understand how .. how this american people still can support Bush.. what's wrong with these people.. seriously.. what are they of some differnent breed..? why cant they see the truth..? why are they such dumbasses.. Why are they so differnt from the rest of the people in the world?I mean in CNN they were showing international comments on the election.. and ALL OF THEM blasted Bush.. even Larry King hates bush..

Seriously there's no future for these people.. now only a revolution or a coup can change my view of americans...

here's a small prayer for them :-



Monday, November 01, 2004

Nearly forgot its Monday...

Heyy everyone... hows it going??? things have been soooo busy here this Ramadan for me... We've been invited to iftars/had people over every single day from last Tuesday till like... the coming Thursday... i think there was just one day in the middle (yesterday) that it was just me and my family having iftar at home!... it was the only day i got to catch up on all my homework... had loads of business questions to do, now that Mrs Chopra's back from her holiday and expects all the work she set to be done... and then ther was this chem test planned for monday...which got postponed to wednesday... which sucks because Nishath's having an iftar the day before that... but gratefully it got further postponed to next monday so thats good...

Okay, not like anyone wanted to know that!

Hmm apart from all that, things are going fine. And yeah, Imran's right, we all should have SOMETHING to say after a whole week... okay, maybe not as much as HE has to say, but hey, if nothing then jus a little update will do...

Did you guys (non Dubai Gem ppl) know that we hav a security guard in school now? Can you blv that???? Well he doesnt actually do much.. i wonder if he has a gun... if he does its extremely well hidden because hes pretty skinny and so where would he hide it anyway??....

Okay well I should go now... but before i do, i shall leave you with a picture of me and Abeera (sorry, abeera, would have asked you before putting it up, but didnt get through!!)... this was taken on Saturday, i had a few friends over for iftar and dinner... it was quite late actually, so i look visibly tired... had been on my feet all day!!... Abeera loks quite nice though... i'm sure certain ppl wid '2thumbz' would agree... and i'm sure those certain ppl would also have something to say about the fact that i dont have my scarf just to make myself clear- ITS NOT A WIG!....

hehe, take care, y'all...Till next Monday, xox,

We look so happy... Posted by Hello