Sorry for the cheesy title.. anyway.. well you guys seem to have given up blogging.. Why?
Is it because of me? Riiight I am really sorry I stopped giving pleasure to u guys .. aa thru the blog.. but its no excuse for you guys to stop blogging..
Anyway I can't really force you guys to burn calories..
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight .. atlast Dubai is going thru good weather.. I'm really enjoying it.. yesterday I decided to drive while the clouds were pissing water.. Unfortunately it stopped raining when I took the car out...
I was really disappointed to see the blue sky.. But just when I was feeling gloomy.. it began to rain.. not just cats and dogs.. but rhinos and giraffes.. man driving in the rain is a blast!!!
The sight of the spermy rain drops wriggling along the windshield... the sound of the car vipers rubbing against it.. the howling of the wind... the sound of the other car drivers cursing at me.. man ... it was an awesome experience..
The Exams are getting ever closer... its beggining to accumulate in my bladder.. It's just a matter of time before my bladder gets filled and is ready to explode.. Well with that imagery you can guess how close the exams are getting..
I still have not prepared myself.. Ever since I've arrived from Kenya I haven;t really studied properly..
That reminds me Kenya.,.. Kenya was a blast.. Its the best Dukes trip I ever had.. I haven't posted anything abt it.. well its because words alone can;t do justice to my kenyan experience..
Anyway let me just go surf the net for now.. I'll give you guys more pleasure later.. Till then you guys go ENJOY the weather..